Feldbrunnenstraße 57,   20148 Hamburg   |   +49 (0)40 33 44 36 90

With our free sample letter you can claim up to 600 Euro compensation from Air Berlin!

Use our free dunning letter generator to enforce your compensation claims in the event of flight delays, flight cancellations or denied boarding.

The EU regulation on air passenger rights (No. 261/2004) provides for a so-called compensation payment in the event of a flight delay of more than three hours, flight cancellation and denied boarding, which Air Berlin must pay you as lump-sum compensation. Depending on the distance between the departure and arrival airports, this compensation may be up to €600 per passenger. Unfortunately, Air Berlin is very reluctant to pay the statutory compensation. Without legal proceedings, Air Berlin will not pay in the cases known to us. Before filing an action, however, the injured passenger should request payment in writing within a time limit, as otherwise he will have to bear the legal costs in the event of an acknowledgement. With the help of our free sample letter you can request payment from Air Berlin. And with a little luck, Air Berlin will already pay for this letter.

Generate a free reminder now!

In order to make it easier for you to assert your compensation claims against Air Berlin, we have developed a dunning letter generator with which you can generate a dunning letter to Air Berlin on your computer or by smartphone/tablet and simply download it as a PDF file. If you have any questions about the letter, please feel free to contact us free of charge and without obligation. If Air Berlin has already paid for the reminder letter generator based on the sample letter provided by us free of charge, we would be pleased to receive a short notification by email at info@diekmann-rechtsanwaelte.de or a comment on this page. If you have already contacted Air Berlin in writing and requested payment by setting a deadline, no further request is required, of course.


Erwähnung bei WELT
Unser Mahnschreiben-Generator wurde von der WELT am 02.04.2020 im Zusammenhang mit der Erstattung der Flugkosten bei Flügen, die augrund des Corona-Virus annulliert wurden, erwähnt (Link zum Artikel).

Erwähnungen bei Bild
Unser Mahnschreiben-Generator wurde bereits mehrfach von der Bild-Zeitung erwähnt (Ausgaben vom 22.07.2015, 05.08.2016 und im Rahmen der Titelstory am 28.07.2017)

Erwähnt in Bild Woche
Unser Mahnschreiben-Generator wurde in der Bild Woche - Ausgabe 35 vom 25.08.2016 - erwähnt.

Erwähnung bei Focus Online
Unser Mahnschreiben-Generator wurde von Focus Online erwähnt (Link zum Artikel)

Erwähnungen in der Funkuhr
Unser Mahnschreiben-Generator wurde mehrfach in der Funkuhr erwähnt (Ausgabe 35 vom 26.08.2016 und Ausgabe 33 vom 11.08.2017)

ZDF drehscheibe vom 08.08.2016
Unsere Kanzlei und unser Mahnschreiben-Generator wurden am 08.08.2016 vom ZDF im Rahmen des Formats drehscheibe erwähnt.

Entschädigung ohne Mahnung/Gerichtsverfahren erhalten?

Wenn Sie Ihre Entschädigung erhalten möchten, ohne auf die Reaktion auf Ihr Mahnschreiben an die Fluggesellschaft oder den Ausgang eines Gerichtsverfahrens zu warten, empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich an EUflight zu wenden.

Bei EUflight müssen Sie lediglich Ihre Flugdaten eingeben und erhalten dann eine Vereinbarung über den Kauf Ihrer Forderung gegen die Fluggesellschaft welche Sie nur noch unterschreiben und zusammen mit Ihren Reiseunterlagen an EUFlight schicken müssen. Sobald Ihre Vereinbarung mit EUflight zustande gekommen ist, bekommen Sie die Entschädigung abzüglich der Service-Gebühr von EUflight in Höhe von 35% (zzgl. MwSt) innerhalb kurzer Zeit ausgezahlt. EUflight wird vom Verbrauchermagazin Finanztip empfohlen.

Zu EUflight

Submit Rating

Wir freuen uns über Ihren Kommentar!

  1. * Pflichtfeld

Reviews of other passengers


Unglaublich... Nach Jahren des Hinterherrennens haben wir nach wenigen Tagen tatsächlich unsere Flugkosten (2500 Euro) einfach so erstattet bekommen ^^ Flug sollte März 2020 stattfinden...


Unglaublich... Nach Jahren des Hinterherrennens haben wir jetzt nach wenigen Tagen tatsächlich unsere Flugkosten (2500 Euro) einfach so erstattet bekommen ^^ Flug sollte März 2020 stattfinden...


Liebes Anwaltteam,mit Hilfe Ihres Mahnschreibengenerators habe ich nun endlich die Flüge mit der SAA aus März 2020 vollständig erstattet bekommen. Ich hatte vorher schon so viel Zeit und Energie verwandt, um die Erstattung zu erhalten, dass ich nicht mehr weiter wusste. Meine Empfehlung erhalten Sie. Vielen herzlichen Dank !


Ich kann diese Kanzlei kann ich weiterempfehlen. Die Mitarbeiter und besonders Frau Wolsdorff hat sich in unserer Angelegenheit hervor getan. Es war ein langer Weg bis zum Erfolg. Aber die Ausdauer und das Arrangement haben sich gelohnt und zum gewünschten Erfolg geführt. Vielen Dank. Große Klasse.

Proceedings against Air Berlin conducted by us - status 04.12.2017

Flight No. Date Departure Airport Destination Airport Claim Processing Status
AB3237 06.07.2012 Antalya Hanover 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB8495 07.07.2012 St. Petersburg Berlin 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3161 16.09.2012 Faro Düsseldorf 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
EY1999 20.12.2012 Phuket Abu Dhabi 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6880 23.12.2012 Düsseldorf Sylt 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB7461 23.12.2012 Abu Dhabi Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7000 28.12.2012 Düsseldorf Miami 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB9717 23.01.2013 Palma Leipzig/Halle 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
EY1999 30.04.2013 Phuket Berlin (via AUH) 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB3830 18.05.2013 Stuttgart Usedom 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3831 25.05.2013 Usedom Stuttgart 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8468 06.06.2013 Hamburg Vienna 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB3543 17.06.2013 Hurghada Munich 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB6040 04.07.2013 Munich Düsseldorf 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6756 06.07.2013 Düsseldorf Hamburg 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB7461 28.07.2013 Abu Dhabi Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6654 12.08.2013 Stuttgart Hamburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8246 26.08.2016 Berlin Oslo 250 € Action filed
AB3370 13.09.2013 Hanover Antalya 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB9865 17.10.2013 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB3704 20.10.2013 Dresden Antalya 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB6707 25.10.2013 Hamburg Nuremberg 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB7417 15.12.2013 Cancun Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6439 10.01.2014 Berlin Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7451 15.02.2014 New York Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7211 08.03.2014 Miami Berlin-Tegel 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB8303 15.03.2014 Gothenburg Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB7346 22.03.2014 Munich Punta Cana 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7446 18.04.2014 Düsseldorf Punta Cana 600 € Settlement 400 €
AB7913 20.04.2014 Seville Graz 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7425 24.04.2014 Phuket Berlin 600 € Settlement
AB2139 25.04.2014 Fuerteventura Düsseldorf 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7632 28.04.2014 Hamburg Alicante 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7494 19.05.2014 Berlin Abu Dhabi 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6745 29.05.2014 Hamburg Zurich 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3281 12.06.2014 Ibiza Hamburg 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB6123 12.06.2014 Cologne Munich 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8480 18.06.2014 Berlin-Tegel Gdansk 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8750 20.06.2014 Düsseldorf Nice 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7652 25.06.2014 Baden-Baden Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2518 28.06.2014 Munich Preveza 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3155 29.06.2014 Hurghada Berlin Tegel 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7450 04.07.2014 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB8771 26.07.2014 Frankfurt Vienna 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3174 27.07.2014 Cologne/Bonn Palma 250 € Acknowledgement judgement 400 €
AB6306 10.08.2014 Munich Hamburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7009 14.08.2014 Fort Myers Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB3308 16.08.2014 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7765 17.08.2014 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2703 23.08.2014 Split Nuremberg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2900 24.08.2014 Nuremberg Malta 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2226 24.08.2014 Düsseldorf Gran Canaria 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2227 24.08.2014 Düsseldorf Gran Canaria 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7450 04.09.2014 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7640 08.09.2014 Paderborn Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6806 15.09.2014 Düsseldorf Dresden 250 € Recognition judgement 250 €
AB3704 20.09.2014 Dresden Antalya 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2396 27.09.2014 Hamburg Alicante 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB8945 27.09.2014 Olbia Cologne/Bonn 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6481 28.09.2014 Saarbrücken Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7564 04.10.2014 Nuremberg Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8761 05.10.2014 Florence Stuttgart 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6633 06.10.2014 Berlin Baden-Baden 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6638 06.10.2014 Baden-Baden Berlin 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6713 09.10.2014 Hamburg Nuremberg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7779 09.10.2014 Palma Stuttgart 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2799 12.10.2014 Sharm El Sheik Munich 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB6837 12.10.2014 Stuttgart Düsseldorf 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7905 12.10.2014 Menorca Munich (via PMI) 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7904 12.10.2014 Berlin Menorca (via PMI) 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2366 20.10.2014 Berlin (Tegel) Antalya 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2675 20.10.2014 Antalya Hannover 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB6658 21.10.2014 Stuttgart Hamburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7804 04.11.2014 Palma Ibiza 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6479 20.11.2014 Saarbrücken Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB3673 30.11.2014 Santa Cruz Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB8752 05.12.2014 Berlin Tegel Vienna 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2652 14.12.2014 Paderborn Lanzarote 400 € Recognition judgment 400€
AB6832 20.12.2014 Dusseldorf Stuttgart 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6658 21.12.2014 Stuttgart Hamburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7913 28.12.2014 Seville Hamburg 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7450 02.01.2015 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB2913 05.01.2015 Tenerife Cologne-Bonn 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7461 06.01.2015 Abu Dhabi Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB4031 23.01.2015 Colombo Berlin Tegel 600 € Sentence of default 600 €
AB6309 02.02.2015 Hamburg Munich 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8404 18.02.2015 Nuremberg Vienna 250 € Action filed
AB7447 20.02.2015 Punta Cana Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6710 27.02.2015 Nuremberg Hamburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8083 07.03.2015 Madrid Berlin 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB8254 11.03.2015 Nuremberg Vienna 250 € Judgment by default 250 €
AB6771 13.03.2015 Nuremberg Moskow (via DUS) 400 € Payment 400 €
AB7450 26.03.2015 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6503 27.03.2015 Berlin Cologne 250 € Recognition judgement 250 €
EY1752 28.03.2015 Berlin-Tegel Abu Dhabi 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7746 30.03.2015 Münster Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8786 30.03.2015 Düsseldorf Catania 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB3657 31.03.2015 Marsa Alam Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6305 12.04.2015 Hamburg Munich 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8273 13.04.2015 Bucharest Berlin Tegel 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7659 17.04.2015 Palma Hanover 400 € Comparison 300 €
AB6202 20.04.2015 Munich Berlin-Tegel 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7551 25.04.2015 Palma Cologne-Bonn 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
EY1401 01.05.2015 Abu Dhabi Berlin 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6187 04.05.2015 Berlin Napoli (via MUC) 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7492 05.05.2015 Berlin Tegel Banghok 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7430 07.05.2015 Düsseldorf Los Angeles 300 € Lawsuit filed
AB5574 14.05.2015 Frankfurt Riga 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB7450 14.05.2015 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2051 17.05.2015 Tenerife Düsseldorf 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7249 17.05.2015 New York Berlin-Tegel 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7461 17.05.2015 Abu Dhabi Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB8009 17.05.2015 Arlanda Berlin-Tegel 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB7764 23.05.2015 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Comparison
AB6614 24.05.2016 Stuttgart Hanover 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3661 27.05.2015 Palma Frankfurt 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3551 31.05.2015 Antalya Berlin-Tegel 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB3657 31.05.2015 Marsa Alam Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7495 02.06.2015 Abu Dhabi Berlin 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7633 02.06.2015 Palma Hamburg 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7493 03.06.2015 Abu Dhabi Berlin 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7514 11.06.2015 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2744 13.06.2015 Munich Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6552 15.06.2015 Stuttgart Berlin 250 € claim paid
AB7576 15.06.2015 Stuttgart Palma 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB7551 17.06.2015 Palma Cologne-Bonn 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7494 18.06.2015 Berlin Tegel Abu Dhabi 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB8779 28.06.2015 Venice Stuttgart 250 € In progress
AB2407 01.07.2015 Tenerife Nuremberg 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7001 02.07.2015 Miami Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6894 04.07.2015 Stuttgart Sylt 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7431 04.07.2015 Los Angeles Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7642 05.07.2015 Paderborn Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7223 19.07.2015 Abu Dhabi Stuttgart 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB7000 20.07.2015 Düsseldorf Miami 300 € Lawsuit filed
AB8490 21.07.2015 Hamburg Vienna 250 € Action filed
AB7421 22.07.2015 Chicago Berlin 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6537 24.07.2015 Berlin-Tegel Stuttgart 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8062 29.07.2015 Berlin Gothenburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7550 29.07.2015 Cologne-Bonn Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2227 29.07.2015 Gran Canaria Düsseldorf 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7357 31.07.2015 Punta Cana Vienna 600 € Payment 600 €
AB7652 31.07.2015 Karlsruhe Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7659 31.07.2015 Palma Hanover 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7739 31.07.2015 Palma Hanover 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB3080 01.08.2015 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6490 01.08.2015 Cologne/Bonn Berlin 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7450 01.08.2015 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6298 04.08.2015 Munich Hamburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7415 07.08.2015 New York Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB8247 07.08.2015 Prague Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB3197 09.08.2015 Hurghada Düsseldorf 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB2547 14.08.2015 Alicante Nuremberg 400 € Action filed
AB3281 15.08.2015 Ibiza Hamburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8272 16.08.2015 Berlin Bucharest 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8707 21.08.2015 Rome Berlin 250 € In progress
AB7620 24.08.2015 Munich Palma 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3148 25.08.2015 Nuremberg Corfu 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB6630 26.08.2015 Karlsruhe Berlin-Tegel 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB2227 27.09.2015 Gran Canaria Düsseldorf 400 € Payment 400 €
AB8037 27.08.2015 Copenhagen Berlin-Tegel 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB2051 29.08.2015 Tenerife Düsseldorf 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2050 30.08.2015 Düsseldorf Tenerife 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2227 30.08.2015 Gran Canaria Düsseldorf 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2387 30.08.2015 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € In progress
AB7765 01.09.2015 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7450 02.09.2015 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB2539 04.09.2015 Malaga Stuttgart 400 € Payment 400 €
AB6188 05.09.2015 Munich Berlin 250 € Payment 250 €
AB8496 05.09.2015 Hamburg Vienna 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8496 05.09.2015 Hamburg Vienna 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3047 10.09.2015 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7248 10.09.2015 Berlin New York 600 € In progress
AB3664 12.09.2015 Nuremberg Antalya 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB8499 14.09.2015 Vienna Hamburg 250 € Payment 250 €
AB8779 14.09.2015 Venice Stuttgart 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8479 18.09.2015 Santorini Nuremberg (via VIE) 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB3156 19.09.2015 Düsseldorf Kos 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2447 26.09.2015 Nuremberg Palma 250 € Action filed
AB7764 26.09.2015 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Payment 250 €
AB2226 27.09.2015 Düsseldorf Gran Canaria 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2227 27.09.2015 Gran Canaria Düsseldorf 400 € Action filed
AB7733 02.10.2015 Palma Berlin 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB2050 03.10.2015 Düsseldorf Tenerife 400 € Payment 400 €
AB3017 03.10.2015 Palma Hanover 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
6OQUFB 03.10.2015 Berlin New York 600 € Payment 600 €
AB6200 04.10.2015 Munich Berlin 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8761 05.10.2015 Florence Stuttgart 250 € Recognition judgement 250 €
AB6044 07.10.2015 Munich Düsseldorf 250 € Payment 250 €
AB6485 07.10.2015 Saarbrücken Berlin 250 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB7567 08.10.2015 Nuremberg Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8712 11.10.2015 Düsseldorf Rome 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB7722 12.10.2015 Berlin Palma 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB3664 15.10.2015 Nuremberg Antalya 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
4KAXKY 19.10.2015 Hanover Mallorca 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB6123 30.10.2015 Cologne Munich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8203 30.10.2015 Krakow Berlin 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB3225 01.11.2015 Malaga Düsseldorf 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB8849 01.11.2015 Olbia Munich 250 € Payment 250 €
AB6182 02.11.2015 Munich Chicago (via TXL) 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB6545 08.11.2015 Berlin Stuttgart 250 € In progress
AB8522 13.11.2015 Düsseldorf Salzburg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7531 16.11.2015 Palma Nuremberg 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB7444 21.11.2015 Munich La Romana 600 € Payment 600 €
AB7445 21.11.2015 La Romana Munich 600 € Payment 600 €
AB7314 22.11.2015 Puerto Plata Munich 600 € In progress
AB2051 23.11.2015 Tenerife Düsseldorf 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7341 23.11.2015 Puerto Plata Munich 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2813 27.11.2015 Lanzarote Berlin-Tegel 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2317 01.12.2015 Lanzarote Cologne 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7889 02.12.2015 Jerez Palma 250 € Payment 250 €
AB3569 05.12.2015 Palma Hanover 400 € Payment 400 €
AB3546 10.12.2015 Stuttgart Keflavik 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7433 16.12.2015 Varadero Düsseldorf 300 € Payment 300 €
AB6181 17.12.2015 Berlin Punta Cana 600 € Action filed
AB7347 18.12.2015 Punta Cana Munich 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7492 18.12.2015 Berlin Abu Dhabi 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7460 19.12.2015 Düsseldorf Abu Dhabi 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2547 20.12.2015 Keflavik Stuttgart 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7425 21.12.2015 Phuket Frankfurt 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7492 29.12.2015 Berlin Abu Dhabi 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7450 30.12.2015 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2524 07.01.2016 Berlin-Tegel Hurghada 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2525 07.01.2016 Hurghada Berlin-Tegel 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7450 10.01.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Action filed
AB6801 15.01.2016 Dresden Lanzarote 400 € In progress
AB7199 15.01.2016 Barbados Munich 300 € In progress
AB7001 15.01.2016 Miami Berlin 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB6299 16.01.2016 Hamburg Munich 250 € Action filed
AB7198 16.01.2016 Bridgetown Munich 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7199 16.01.2016 Munich Bridgetown 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7249 22.01.2016 New York Düsseldorf 600 € Action filed
AB7340 24.01.2016 Munich Puerto Plata 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB8207 31.01.2016 Krakow Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB6301 20.02.2016 Hamburg Munich 250 € Action filed
AB6309 20.02.2016 Hamburg Dubai (via MUC) 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB3133 05.03.2016 Palma Hamburg 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB6834 09.03.2016 Miami Düsseldorf 600 € Action filed
AB8479 09.03.2016 Nuremberg Vienna 250 € Action filed
AB7428 10.03.2016 Munich Varadero 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7492 12.03.2016 Berlin Abu Dhabi 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB6210 13.03.2016 Munich Berlin 250 € In progress
AB7340 13.03.2016 Munich Puerto Plata 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7445 13.03.2016 La Romana Munich 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7341 14.03.2016 Puerto Plata Munich 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7450 15.03.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7451 15.03.2016 New York Düsseldorf 600 € Lawsuit filed
EY1401 26.03.2016 Abu Dhabi Berlin 600 € In progress
AB6633 31.03.2016 Berlin Karlsruhe 250 € In progress
AB2191 02.04.2016 Las Palmas Leipzig 400 € In progress
AB2501 06.04.2016 Kos Leipzig 400 € Action filed
AB7211 07.04.2016 Miami Berlin 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7346 12.04.2016 Munich Punta Cana 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2269 13.04.2016 Malaga Berlin 400 € Action filed
AB2346 14.04.2016 Düsseldorf Las Palmas 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2347 14.04.2016 Las Palmas Düsseldorf 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2912 15.04.2016 Cologne/Bonn Tenerife 400 € Action filed
AB6036 20.04.2016 Munich Düsseldorf 250 € In progress
AB2231 22.04.2016 Malaga Cologne/Bonn 400 € Action filed
AB3329 23.04.2016 Palma Frankfurt 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8490 23.04.2016 Hamburg Vienna 250 € Action filed
AB6438 24.04.2016 Düsseldorf Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6530 29.04.2016 Stuttgart Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8860 30.04.2016 Cologne/Bonn Olbia 250 € Action filed
AB8861 30.04.2016 Olbia Cologne/Bonn 250 € Action filed
AB2744 01.05.2016 Munich Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7764 01.05.2016 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Action filed
AB5070 04.05.2016 Hamburg Munich 250 € Payment 250 €
AB6520 04.05.2016 Cologne Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6785 04.05.2016 Nuremberg Copenhagen 250 € Action filed
AB7520 06.05.2016 Munich Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7723 08.05.2016 Palma Berlin 400 € Payment 400 €
AB7001 09.05.2016 Miami Düsseldorf 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7652 09.05.2016 Karlsruhe Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7723 09.05.2016 Palma Berlin 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7001 10.05.2016 Miami Düsseldorf 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB3083 12.05.2016 Thessaloniki Hamburg 400 € Action filed
AB3203 12.05.2016 Marsa Alam Nuremberg 400 € In progress
AB2446 13.05.2016 Nuremberg Palma 250 € Action filed
AB3130 13.05.2016 Nuremberg Heraklion 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB3131 13.05.2016 Heraklion Nuremberg 400 € Action filed
AB3203 13.05.2016 Marsa Alam Nuremberg 400 € Action filed
AB3507 13.05.2016 Palma Berlin 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB6210 13.05.2016 Munich Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6596 13.05.2016 Frankfurt Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6653 13.05.2016 Hamburg Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6894 13.05.2016 Stuttgart Sylt 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7480 13.05.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2500 14.05.2016 Leipzig Kos 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2501 14.05.2016 Kos Leipzig 400 € Action filed
AB2594 14.05.2016 Berlin Alicante 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB3046 14.05.2016 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Action filed
AB3081 14.05.2016 Palma Düsselforf 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6296 14.05.2016 Munich Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6299 14.05.2016 Hamburg Munich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6744 14.05.2016 Düsseldorf Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7450 14.05.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € In progress
AB7460 14.05.2016 Düsseldorf Abu Dhabi 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7480 14.05.2016 Düsseldorf New York 300 € Lawsuit filed
AB8011 14.05.2016 Stockholm Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB8281 14.05.2016 Sofia Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8009 17.05.2016 Stockholm Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB7433 19.05.2016 Varadero Düsseldorf 600 € Action filed
AB8013 19.05.2016 Stockholm Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB6208 20.05.2016 Munich Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6551 20.05.2016 Berlin Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3047 21.05.2016 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3156 21.05.2016 Düsseldorf Kos 400 € Action filed
AB3761 21.05.2016 Hurghada Frankfurt 400€ Lawsuit filed
AB7652 21.05.2016 Baden-Baden Palma 250 € In progress
AB8731 21.05.2016 Milan Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3761 22.05.2016 Hurghada Frankfurt 400€ Lawsuit filed
AB6556 22.05.2016 Stuttgart Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6593 22.05.2016 Berlin Frankfurt 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6660 22.05.2016 Stuttgart Hamburg 250 € In progress
AB8794 22.05.2016 Frankfurt Catania 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8795 22.05.2016 Catania Frankfurt 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8947 22.05.2016 Barcelona Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB2465 23.05.2016 Funchal Munich 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB3213 23.05.2016 Heraklion Zurich 400 € Action filed
AB7649 23.05.2016 Palma Zurich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8261 23.05.2016 Budapest Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB6881 27.05.2016 Sylt Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB8749 27.05.2016 Milan Düsseldorf 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2538 29.05.2016 Stuttgart Malaga 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB8705 29.05.2016 Rome Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB3283 30.05.2016 Palma Hamburg 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7587 30.05.2016 Palma Dresden 400 € action filed
AB7688 30.05.2016 Stuttgart Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8063 30.05.2016 Gothenburg Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB8705 30.05.2016 Rome Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6436 31.05.2016 Düsseldorf Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB7223 31.05.2016 Abu Dhabi Stuttgart 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7689 31.05.2016 Palma Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8719 31.05.2016 Tel Aviv Düsseldorf (via FCO) 400 € Action filed
AB6710 01.06.2016 Nuremberg Hamburg 250 € Action filed
AB7778 01.06.2016 Stuttgart Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6309 02.06.2016 Hamburg Munich 250 € Action filed
AB3328 04.06.2016 Frankfurt Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7417 04.06.2016 Cancun Düsseldorf 600 € Action filed
AB7493 04.06.2016 Abu Dhabi Berlin Tegel 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7542 04.06.2016 Leipzig Palma 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB3274 05.06.2016 Hamburg Palma 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7481 05.06.2016 New York Düsseldorf 600 € Action filed
AB7617 05.06.2016 Palma Leipzig 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7652 05.06.2016 Karlsruhe Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8947 05.06.2016 Barcelona Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB6610 06.06.2016 Stuttgart Hanover 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8840 07.06.2016 Berlin Sardinia 250 € In progress
AB8841 07.06.2016 Olbia Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8042 08.06.2016 Düsseldorf Copenhagen 250 € Action filed
AB8470 14.06.2016 Nuremberg Vienna 250 € Action filed
AB3928 16.06.2016 Düsseldorf Reykjavík 400 € Action filed
AB6311 17.06.2016 Hamburg Munich 250 € Action filed
AB6540 18.06.2016 Stuttgart Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6199 19.06.2016 Berlin Munich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8796 19.06.2016 Stuttgart Cantania 250 € In progress
AB8798 19.06.2016 Stuttgart Catania 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8799 19.06.2016 Catania Stuttgart 250 € Payment 250 €
AB3131 20.06.2016 Heraklion Nuremberg 400 € Action filed
AB6610 20.06.2016 Stuttgart Hanover 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7492 22.06.2016 Berlin Abu Dhabi 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB6613 23.06.2016 Hanover Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7001 23.06.2016 Miami Düsseldorf 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7473 23.06.2016 Boston Düsseldorf 600 € In progress
AB3131 24.06.2016 Heraklion Nuremberg 400 € Action filed
AB7473 24.06.2016 Boston Düsseldorf 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB8479 24.06.2016 Vienna Nuremberg 250 € Action filed
AB3265 25.06.2016 Palma Hamburg 400 € Lawsuit filed
Ab7024 25.06.2016 Düsseldorf Havana 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2243 26.06.2016 Heraklion Munich 400 € Recognition judgment 400 €
AB3280 26.06.2016 Hamburg Ibiza 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB3281 26.06.2016 Ibiza Hamburg 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB3498 26.06.2016 Stuttgart Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3921 26.06.2016 Palma Frankfurt 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6306 26.06.2016 Munich Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6660 26.06.2016 Stuttgart Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6663 26.06.2016 Hamburg Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2223 27.06.2016 Palma Cologne 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3122 27.06.2016 Nuremberg Fuerteventura 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7773 28.06.2016 Palma Frankfurt 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8947 28.06.2016 Barcelona Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7450 29.06.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Action filed
AB2407 02.07.2016 Tenerife Nuremberg 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB3457 02.07.2016 Ibiza Nuremberg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2883 03.07.2016 Palma Munich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6306 03.07.2016 Munich Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6614 03.07.2016 Stuttgart Hanover 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7001 03.07.2016 Miami Düsseldorf 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB8271 03.07.2016 Bucharest Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7450 04.07.2016 Düsseldorf New York 300 € Lawsuit filed
AB7617 05.07.2016 Palma Leipzig 400 € In progress
AB7393 06.07.2016 San Francisco Munich 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB6563 07.07.2016 Berlin Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8330 07.07.2016 Düsseldorf Nice 250 € Action filed
AB7000 09.07.2016 Düsseldorf Miami 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB8943 09.07.2016 Barcelona Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7450 12.07.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2476 16.07.2016 Cologne/Bonn Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2491 16.07.2016 Fuerteventura Cologne/Bonn 400 € Lawsuit filed
Ab3920 16.07.2016 Frankfurt Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6885 17.07.2016 Westerland Düsseldorf 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3507 18.07.2016 Palma Berin 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7778 21.07.2016 Stuttgart Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8442 21.07.2016 Düsseldorf Vienna 250 € Action filed
AB3456 23.07.2016 Nuremberg Ibiza 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3457 23.07.2016 Ibiza Nuremberg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3507 24.07.2016 Palma Berlin 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB6210 24.07.2016 Munich Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6660 24.07.2016 Stuttgart Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8591 24.07.2016 Zurich Düsseldorf 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3929 25.07.2016 Reykjavík Düsseldorf 400 € Action filed
AB6610 25.07.2016 Stuttgart Hanover 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7480 30.07.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB2700 31.07.2016 Berlin Split 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6610 01.08.2016 Stuttgart Hanover 250 € Action filed
AB3080 02.08.2016 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Action filed
AB3081 02.08.2016 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB8331 02.08.2016 Nice Düsseldorf 250 € Recognition judgment 250 €
AB8946 02.08.2016 Düsseldorf Barcelona 250 € Action filed
AB8881 03.08.2016 Florence Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB6841 04.08.2016 Stuttgart Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7721 06.08.2016 Palma Munich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7756 06.08.2016 Hamburg Palma 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB6516 07.08.2016 Cologne/Bonn Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB8507 08.08.2016 Vienna Hanover 250 € Action filed
AB6479 09.08.2016 Saarbrücken Prague 250 € Action filed
AB8409 10.08.2016 Vienna Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB8507 10.08.2016 Vienna Hanover 250 € Action filed
AB7025 12.08.2016 Havana Berlin 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB8715 12.08.2016 Rome Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8849 12.08.2016 Olbia Munich 250 € Action filed
AB3047 13.08.2016 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB6124 18.08.2016 Munich Cologne/Bonn 250 € Action filed
AB7450 23.08.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB3080 02.09.2016 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Action filed
AB7514 03.09.2016 Düsseldorf Palma 250 € Action filed
AB8844 03.09.2016 Düsseldorf Olbia 250 € Action filed
AB2268 05.09.2016 Berlin Malaga 400 € Action filed
AB8779 06.09.2016 Venice Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6557 09.09.2016 Berlin Stuttgart 250 € Action filed
AB6580 10.09.2016 Frankfurt Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB6482 11.09.2016 Berlin Saarbrücken 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8523 18.09.2016 Salzburg Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7549 19.09.2016 Palma Cologne/Bonn 250 € Action filed
AB6698 23.09.2016 Frankfurt Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB8381 24.09.2016 Tel Aviv Berlin 400 € Action filed
AB2717 25.09.2016 Hurghada Leipzig 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB6593 25.09.2016 Berlin Frankfurt 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2272 30.09.2016 Berlin Heraklion 400 € Action filed
AB6205 30.09.2016 Berlin Munich 250 € Action filed
AB3164 01.10.2016 Berlin Faro 400 € In progress
AB7611 03.10.2016 Palma Cologne/Bonn 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7659 03.10.2016 Palma Hannover 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7620 04.10.2016 Munich Palma 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2230 05.10.2016 Cologne/Bonn Malaga 400 € In progress
AB2231 05.10.2016 Malaga Cologne/Bonn 400 € Action filed
AB2269 05.10.2016 Malaga Berlin 400 € Action filed
AB2577 06.10.2016 Palma Cologne/Bonn 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2912 06.10.2016 Cologne/Bonn Tenerife 400 € Action filed
AB8911 06.10.2016 Brindisis Munich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7658 07.10.2016 Hanover Palma 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2164 08.10.2016 Cologne/Bonn Las Palmas 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB2165 08.10.2016 Gran Canaria Cologne/Bonn 400 € Action filed
AB2476 08.10.2016 Cologne/Bonn Palma 250 € Action filed
AB7550 08.10.2016 Cologne/Bonn Palma 250 € Action filed
AB8856 08.10.2016 Stuttgart Olbia 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB3575 09.10.2016 Palma Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7483 09.10.2016 New York Düsseldorf 600 € Action filed
AB7659 09.10.2016 Palma Hannover 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7621 10.10.2016 Palma Munich 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB2913 13.10.2016 Cologne/Bonn Tenerife 400 € Action filed
AB6881 14.10.2016 Westerland Munich 250 € Action filed
AB2172 16.10.2016 Berlin Palma 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB6663 16.10.2016 Hamburg Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7481 20.10.2016 New York Düsseldorf 600 € Action filed
AB7632 22.10.2016 Hamburg Palma 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7759 22.10.2016 Hamburg Palma 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB6440 24.10.2016 Düsseldorf Berlin 250 € Action filed
AB6202 28.10.2016 Munich Berlin 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7623 30.10.2016 Palma Berlin 400 € In preparation
AB7340 10.11.2016 Düsseldorf Los Angeles 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB6022 16.11.2016 Munich Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7450 19.11.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AB6703 25.11.2016 Hamburg Nuremberg 250 € In progress
AB6743 25.11.2016 Hamburg Düsseldorf 250 € Action filed
AB7025 27.11.2016 Havana Düsseldorf 600 € Lawsuit filed
AB7417 28.11.2016 Cancun Berrlin 600 € Action filed
AB7001 03.12.2016 Miami Düsseldorf 600 € In progress
AB6645 18.12.2016 Berlin Karlsruhe 250 € In progress
AB2491 19.12.2016 Fuerteventura Cologne/Bonn 400 € In progress
AB7450 25.12.2016 Düsseldorf New York 600 € In progress
VXEF2B 10.01.2017 Hamburg Stuttgart 250 € Lawsuit filed
AB7008 05.02.2017 Düsseldorf Fort Myers 600 € In progress
AB7009 05.02.2017 Fort Myers Düsseldorf 600 € In progress
AB7757 12.03.2017 Palma Hamburg 400 € Lawsuit filed
AB7000 04.04.2017 Düsseldorf Miami 600 € Recognition judgment 600 €
AZ7596 14.04.2017 Venice Düsseldorf 250 € Acknowledgement judgment 250 €
AB6300 02.06.2017 Munich Hamburg 250 € Lawsuit filed
EW2755 31.08.2017 Vienna Stuttgart 250 € Action filed
EW2648 18.09.2017 Stuttgart Faro 400 € Lawsuit filed

Current Air Berlin delays and cancellations

Flight No Departure Destination Scheduled Compensation
AB1341 Muenchen (MUC) Perpignan (PGF) 09.04.2019 250€
L5146 Muenchen (MUC) Las Palmas (ACE) 29.10.2018 400€
000 Berlin (BER) Heraklion (HER) 05.07.2018 400€
AI474 Berlin (TXL) Istanbul (SAW) 15.03.2018 400€
AB2525 Hamburg (HAM) Boston (BOS) 14.03.2018 600€
HG7769 Palma de Mallorca (PMI) Stuttgart (STR) 24.12.2017 250€
HG2050/HG205... Duesseldorf (DUS) Tenerife (TFS) 18.12.2017 400€
Niki(HG7756)... Hamburg (HAM) Palma de Mallorca (PMI) 16.12.2017 400€
HG7720 Muenchen (MUC) Palma de Mallorca (PMI) 16.12.2017 250€
98oiljkmö Berlin (TXL) Frankfurt (FRA) 13.12.2017 250€
AB6043 Duesseldorf (DUS) Muenchen (MUC) 31.10.2017 250€
HG3361 Ibiza (IBZ) Duesseldorf (DUS) 28.10.2017 250€
AB8785 Catania (CTA) Berlin (TXL) 28.10.2017 400€
AB6557 Berlin (TXL) Stuttgart (STR) 28.10.2017 250€
AB8569 Zuerich (ZRH) Berlin (TXL) 28.10.2017 250€
AB2056 Hurghada (HRG) Hamburg (HAM) 28.10.2017 300€
P766UX Duesseldorf (DUS) Muenchen (MUC) 28.10.2017 250€
AB6530 Stuttgart (STR) Berlin (TXL) 25.10.2017 250€
AB3197 Hurghada (HRG) Duesseldorf (DUS) 22.10.2017 600€
AB3197 Hurghada (HRG) Duesseldorf (DUS) 22.10.2017 600€
AB7006 Duesseldorf (DUS) Orlando (MCO) 22.10.2017 600€
AB3196 Duesseldorf (DUS) Hurghada (HRG) 22.10.2017 600€
AB3196 Duesseldorf (DUS) Hurghada (HRG) 22.10.2017 600€
AB3547 Keflavik (KEF) Nuernberg (NUE) 21.10.2017 400€
AB8431 Wien (VIE) Los Angeles (LAX) 18.10.2017 600€

Have your claim checked free of charge

We are happy to offer you the opportunity to check your claim for a compensation payment against your airline free of charge. If you would like us to make a claim for compensation against an airline, we look forward to hearing from you without obligation using the form below, by telephone or by email at info@diekmann-rechtsanwaelte.de.There are no costs for the initial consultation! Sending the data does not constitute a client relationship. Your data entered via the contact form will be transmitted via a secure SSL connection. We will be happy to help you with any questions you may have regarding the contact form!

Fluggastdaten DE

Ihre Flugdaten
Grund für die Ausgleichszahlung
Ihre Reisezeiten
Ihre Kontaktdaten
Zahl der Mitreisenden
Mahnung an Fluggesellschaft?
Rechtsschutzversicherung (RSV)?
Dokumente hochladen
weitere Angaben



Of course, you can also use our sample letter to claim your compensation against any other airline. In order to make it easier for you to find the address of the individual airline, we have researched all airlines departing from Europe and compiled them in an Excel list. We assume no liability for the accuracy and timeliness of the information. The list has a status 15.01.2015.The list enjoys copyright protection and may not be published, reproduced and/or distributed without our consent. If you should notice that individual data in the list are no longer current, we would be pleased about a reference. Download address list of airlines

Calculation of the amount of the right to compensation

The amount of the compensation claim results from Art. 7 of the Passenger Rights Ordinance and is per person, depending on the distance between the departure airport and the destination airport:

  1. EUR 250 for a route up to 1500 km
  2. EUR 400 for a distance of over 1500 km up to 3500 km
  3. EUR 600 for a distance exceeding 3500 km if the start or finish is outside the EU

You can easily calculate the distance between your departure airport and your destination airport using the distance calculator on luftlinie.org. If the airline has offered you an alternative flight to re-routing, the amount of your compensation claim may be reduced by 50%. The decisive factor here is the extent to which the original arrival time differs from that of the alternative flight. A reduction of 50% is only possible for No. 1 up to a deviation of two hours, for No. 2/3 up to three hours and for No. 4 up to four hours.

Loadable address and contact details of Air Berlin

Air Berlin PLC & Co. Luftverkehrs KGSaatwinkler Damm 42-4313627 BerlinGermanyTelephone: +49 (30) 3434 1340Telefax: +49 (30) 3434 1309anwalt@airberlin.com