Fields of Activity
+49 (40) 3344 36 90
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- Grünes Licht aus Brüssel? Bestandskraft der Normen des Apothekengesetzes vor dem Hintergrund der europäischen Leistungserbringung
- Die aktuelle Rechtsprechung zu Zugaben und Rabatten im Rahmen des § 7 HWG
- Doc Morris pro und contra
- Auswirkungen Europas auf den deutschen Apothekenmarkt: Für und Wider zum bestehenden Fremdbesitzverbot
- Die Regelung des § 127 SGB V
- Das Fremd- und Mehrbesitzverbot muss fallen!
- Arzneimittelwerbung, Internethandel und Patientenschutz
Thomas J. Diekmann
Alongside his activities as a lawyer, Thomas J. Diekmann is a co-founder of and legal advisor to the European Association of Mail Service Pharmacies (EAMSP). Thanks to his many years of experience in the health sector, the firm has good contacts with EU and German federal authorities. Mr Diekmann has been invited to act as an official expert for committees within the German government on several occasions. He primarily advises his clients in matters concerning health policy and company law.
- born in Wuppertal
- studied law at the Universities of Hamburg and Freiburg
- Legal internship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court Hamburg
- President of Advonet – German-European Lawyers Association
- Member of the International Bar Association
- Member of the Union des Avocats Européens
- Member of the DACH - German-Austrian-Swiss Lawyers Association
- Member of the working group for international law - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internationaler Rechtsverkehr
- Member of the ECTA - European Community Trademark Association
- Member of the German Association for protection of indutrial property and copyright - GRUR
- Member of the AIPPI - Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle
- Member of the BAH (Bundesverband der Arzneimittelhersteller) - Federal Association of pharmaceutical manufacturers
- Member of INTEGRITAS (Verein für lautere Heilmittelwerbung e.V.) - Association for fair drug advertising
Foreign Language
- English